2010... a New Year and a New Resolution.
I got to thinking the other day about what I wanted to change the most in 2010. As many will, it would be to lose weight and get back into shape. Now, I must admit that is high on my list but I decided that will not be my 2010 resolution because in all honesty, that needs to be my life resolution. God knows I am not happy when I am overweight but It is a battle I believe I will fight till the very end. It is harded here in Georgia to get that battle started in the Winter because not only is it Cold and rainy most days, it also gets dark early and being out in the wilderness, there are not street lights. Needless to say, I am afrad of what other creatures will be joining me in the dark. SO.... what will it be... what will be harder for me then to lose weight......
My 2010 resolution is to SAVE... SAVE... SAVE... and that means I must learn to find pleasure in myself, my family, my hobbies and in the silence that usually finds me running to the store to just fulfill the loneliness. You see, I am a compulisive shopper.. there I said it. Now even though I love to shop, I also love a bargain and that is how I shop but even a good deal, is not always the best thing. I guess losing a loved one this Holiday season, I saw that life is not about what you have, it is about how you live your life... cause when you go, those things stay here and that is not what people remember about you.. it is who you were, how you loved and how you lived. So as this year begins, I will tell my tales of how I "Saved" ($) and I am sure of my failures. So lets see how well I can do....and I look forward to watching others resolutions my fellow bloggers may have.... Happy and Healthy and hopefully Richer 2010.
Oh the dreaded New Year resolution. What will mine be this year. I am with you sister on the weight one. I gave up on that resolution years ago and just consider it a lifetime goal that will last my lifetime.