So here we are two Florida native in the mist of our first snow fall. Now let me tell you, this is not Chicago snow fall but 1 inch of snow has brought our town to a stand still.... but more than that me. So a day before it is due to snow, my sister tells me you better get to the grocery store and I am thinking are you crazy it is just a litte snow, it will last a day. So, I don't go to the store. Well, day 2 and I need food and I cannot get out my driveway. Note for those who have never seen my driveway, it is long and steep so a little ice has caused a huge problem... I cannot get my car up to the top.... So after 2 days of being trapped indoors and the need to feed my family, I get the shovel out and start cleaning the snow and ice of the driveway so I can get back to civilation.... but here lies the question.... What is wrong with the pictures above.... Yes, that is my shoveling and my darling hubby enjoying an ice cold beer and the view.......
Okay, I must confess, he did eventually grab the shovel and help the damsel in distress complete the driveway.
Yippee... day three and I am free.. I can drive and so I head to the store to get some food and I also need to get to Bed Bath Beyond for some floor cleaner and this is where I must make my first confession... I spent money... but it was a bargain. A much needed... okay maybe it not really a need but a want... comforter, King Size completed set with sheets and the works, regular 200.00 for 41.00... I really could not pass it up... maybe I could of if I was stronger but.... to this point I swear, I have passed up many things and have been so pround of myself. So I start over.....
Oh on the other front, I lost 3 lbs... so there... I made some good choices...
Yeah, Did you lose the 3 lbs from shoveling snow or not having any food in the house cause you were iced/snowed in? PS. I couldn't have passed that deal up either. Love you!