closet and get organized. Things were just so
crammed together, I did not even know what I
had... Note to self, this may mean you shop to much.
So, I headed to Target to pick up one of those
hanging organizers to put my jeans in.......
Little did I know that I had become obsessed
with Jeans.
It all started when I fell in love with a pair
of jeans on a friend. Of course this friend was
a size 2, so I knew I could never have a pair of
those. Then she told me "They make them for all
shapes and sizes" Sure... but I went to the store
and tried them on... Oh, they were love at first
site... except for the price. You see I am one of
those girls that just refuse to pay $150 for jeans.
But hubby was with me and he told me if they make
me happy and I liked the way they fit, then I should
get them. So I did but I swore I would never pay full
price again and I never did. Oh, what is my obsession.
Yes, I am addicted to LUCKY jeans.
I have found them on the racks of TJ Max, Goodwill
and Thrift shops.Hubby jokes that I can walk up to
a rack of Sale jeans and my " Luck Radar"
goes off. My last pair, I got for $15.00. I knew I
really did not need another pair but for the price
this " Lucky" girl could not pass then by.
What is your obsession?
Before I go, I must tell you today's bargain.
While browsing an Antique shop today, I found
this $198.00 Max Studio dress, tag still on it for $18
Seriously... and It fit perfect.
DO I have that 1st pair of Lucky Jeans you bought for $150? I am almost back in them, it it wasn't for the spare tire I am carrying that hangs over the low rise. Got that visual Sister? LOL