Sunday, December 5, 2010

What's not to appreciate...

There is nothing like a beautiful sky first thing in the morning
As the sun is slowly waking up....

Or the sky as the sun has fully awaken...

Or the blooms of the flowers...

Or the beauty in a sky that is angry from a thuderstorm....

So, if life has you down or stressed to no end this holiday season...
Take a moment and really look around at the beauty of the world that
surrounds you. Marvel in... breathe in the smells... listen to the peace.
I promise you, that you will feel peace. I know.. cause it is something
new to me and everyday, as I drive to work, I reflect on what is beautiful
out my window and my day always starts off with a smile....

What makes you start your day with a smile...


  1. Beautiful photo's did you take them yourself. Your getting really good at that!

    Love you,

    Big Sis
