Sunday, June 26, 2011

Vacation -Part 2

I meant to get back sooner to share the rest of our vacation
but Casey was little under the weather and to be honest, I was
a bit to addicted the Casey Anothy trial coverage. Sad, I know.

Let me just tell you that day two was a long day of walking. We
started out at 9 AM and did not get back to the hotel till 10 PM.

We started our day walking in circles trying to find the Beaurer of Engraving.
You see, hubby and I have a bad habit of not having a game plan and therefore,
we left the hotel without our map. (funny story about that in a bit).

We then headed to the Aquarium. This was one of Casey's choices. It was small
but it was a welcome relief from the sun and heat.

It was then over to museum of American History. This place was so big, it
would take half a day to see it all. Donnie and I browse at a different pace. Me - lookand move on... Donnie - slow and slower, reading every detail. So we split up.
After a bit, my feet were hurting so bad, I just sat and people watched. It was at this time, that I was looking in my purse and what did I find " The MAP", you
know the one we thought we left the hotel without. The one we could have used
earlier in the day... yep. I thought it was funny.. hubby not so much.

Julia Childs kitchen

After meeting back up, we ate a quick hot dog and headed over to the Holocaust Museum.

Casey not sharing.....

We saved the monuments for the evening and I am so glad we did. They are just
so gorgeous with the lights.

Day two over... and I was glad to see it end as my head hit the pillow.

More to come and I promise to try and get back sooner.


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